My great-great-great grandfather Sylvester Leopold Mudd was from the long settled east coast, from a family who produced college-educated men in the 18th century, from a place where comfort and style was easily evident, from the cradle of American civilization.  Then, as a young man in the prime of his life, he chose to settle in south-central and southwest Louisiana, a place of marsh and bayous where few civilized families lived, where education was considered unnecessary, where very few material comforts were found, where insects and weather were at times life-threatening.  The question I have asked myself many times – why would Leopold, as he was known, subject his family to these hardships?  Research into his life, his family, and those he was close to may be able to help his descendants, like me, understand the decisions he made nearly 200 years ago.

Regarding Leopold Mudd’s own ancestors, he was the great grandson of Thomas Mudd I of England.  Thomas Mudd I, the immigrant and progenitor of Mudd families in America, has been well-documented by his many descendants.  However, less is known about the Mudds who followed.  I have seen assorted bits and pieces from the Mudd line but not enough to understand who they were.  So, in an effort to “know” Leopold Mudd, I will get to “know” his great grandfather Thomas Mudd II, grandfather Thomas Boarman Mudd, and father Joshua Mudd.  The information will include everything I have but certainly not everything that is available.  So, if you can offer any information to these biographies, please let me know.  I will be more than happy to update upon receipt of any additional information.